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Fitness Plans For Women by Expert Women
Get stronger, lose fat or just feel good in 4-12 weeks!
Discover workouts that fit your style and #bodygoals. Whether it's to do your first pull-up, get a quick sweat in at home or get your abs showing - we've got it all.
All In One
Training + Nutrition + Habits + Mindset
You can't out-train poor nutritional choices, but you also can't diet forever. Wellness is about balance. Only a balanced approach can last a lifetime.
We're here to teach you sustainable fitness and nutrition tips that will outlive any trends. Because being healthy and fit should be fun and enjoyable.

some of our coaches & plans
Why did we make this app?
The internet is filled with new diet trends, challenges and an overabundance of fitness and nutritional advice. It’s not surprising as diets SELL (and they sell very well). They’re quick shortcuts that prey on people's desire for quick results, but the results fade as quickly as they come.
We’re not here to sell you clickbait sensational advice (Did you know you can lose 10 lbs on #KETO in 10 days? Just kidding. Don't. Even.) We're here to help you discover programs designed by experts that will help you look and feel your best and you can do for a lifetime.
Our goal is simple:
1. Partner with experts in exercise and nutrition.
2. Give you all the tools to succeed.
You can message us at any time for support. Anything from my gym doesn't have a leg press, what's a good alternative to plant based recipes high in protein to I need to lose some weight quickly for my wedding. We love hearing from you and your stories!
you could be next

Brianna Fleming
When she sent me my meal plan, I was so surprised to see how much I was going to eat in a day. She made sure to include every food that I loved, but in moderation. My love for food and fitness started again, and 6 months later I am 30 pounds down and getting ready to lean bulk for a bikini prep. I’m thankful that I have someone like Taylor to guide me through a bikini prep, and I’m very excited to move forward with her as my coach. Thank you Taylor for all the support!

Kassandra Romero
Posting this because I wanted to show how amazing Steve and Taylor are!!! This was my second challenge with them and I’ve never been happier with myself. After having my daughter I never thought I would have my body back but Steve showed me otherwise. I will never be able to thank him enough ❤️
First picture is day 1 Middle picture is the end of first challenge and Last picture is the end of the second challenge.

Autumn Vander Waal
So the left is from 2 years ago but I didn’t start lifting or anything until last spring. The right is a couple days ago on my spring break. I was always self conscious of the way my butt and legs were and how I was skinny with no muscle. So I began lifting and trying to get my body how I wanted it even though my body is very slow to build muscle. At the end of the summer I started Taylor’s first plan. I didn’t realize how far I had come until comparing these pictures!! It’s so true that consistency pays off and that this takes time

Cynthia Perez
Shred Challenge progress!
Starting weight: 181
Current weight: 168
Starting body fat: 36%
Current body fat: 30%
I was 3 month post baby when I started. Can’t wait to see my progress in the next few months!

Melinda Jeffries
Don’t mind my faces in the AM - NOT A MORNING PERSON 😂😂 but i have to say, the scale has barely moved which had me feeling beyond discouraged.. i compared my first day picture to this past weekend and see a difference in my core and i am feeling super motivated again!

Lindsay Garrick
In April I would’ve never considered sharing the pictures on the left. I was going to keep these to myself but I am DANG proud of my results. And I am so DANG proud of all you ladies. I feel strong.. mentally.. physically.. & spiritually. I actually ENJOY the gym now.

Miranda Shuler
I joined the FBT fitness challenge to get in shape for my wedding! I never would have thought my body could transform the way it did. The workouts were high intensity and actually fun to do! The personalized coaching was great and help me stay on track with my nutrition goals. The app was very user friendly and made it even easier to stay on track! Tay Chay’s fitness and nutrition program helped me gain the confidence I needed in the gym and helped me transform my body in ways I never imagined.

Shania Wong
I used to swim competitively at the university level, and when I suddenly stopped swimming, I gained a lot of weight. I went from weighing 115lbs to 140-150lbs in the span of 3-4 months. I was sick of feeling sorry for myself and decided I needed to change my mind set and my life style. I always had an issue with the scale, and when I didn’t see the numbers drop I would get very discouraged. I had my fair share of ups and downs during this challenge and fortunately, this challenge has helped me in so many ways ! I started at 148lbs, and today I am 142lbs. There might only be 6lbs in the difference, but the photos say it all. I’ve learned that the number on the scale DOES NOT MATTER. I am fitting into clothes I thought I wouldn’t be able to wear ever again, and I feel so much more confident with myself. I gotta say it’s a great feeling when you see people who haven’t seen you in a while tell you it looks like you’ve lost 10-15lbs.
So proud of myself for pushing through these past 12 weeks ☺️

Brianna Walters
12 week transformation! I honestly don’t know where to start but first off a huge thank you to both Taylor & Steve. The workouts pushed me farther than I ever have pushed myself. I lost about 16lbs. As a mom of 2 young ones, I often find myself ashamed of my body and compared myself to others around me. This challenge helped me grow and learn to love my body through every stage it’s at, I can’t wait to start the next challenge and give it 100% this time!

Maria Diaz
You girls have all been so inspiring I’ve finally found the strength to post my 12 week transformation! 🙈
It’s been amazing to discover what my body is capable of and to finally feel it connect with my mind. Life after an eating disorder is never easy, specially when you thought you were over it but then it slowly creeps back into your life. Taylor this challenge was way more than that to me. I never quite figured out how to listen to my body. I was always pushing it way too much and not giving it the proper amount of fuel to function. That is why, although I was “eating healthy” and “working out hard” my body wasn’t changing.

Andrea Sandstrom
I wasn't sure if I was going to post this but I love seeing everyone's transformations so I figured I would post mine! Down just over 8 lbs and feeling lean. This challenge has really taught me consistency and can't wait to do the next one with all of you <3 Thank you Taylor and Steve!!

Lacey Goedde
Body building has been a rebuilding phase of myself inside and out. I have never battled so hard to improve myself and never felt stronger. I can't believe who I am today versus the girl I was just 2 years ago who was hiding my struggle to find the will to carry on every single day. Taylor you have no idea how much you've inspired me and how much your coaching has changed my life, I couldn't have done any of this without your expertise and fearless leadership.